Walking in the Word ~ August 6 2012

We are walking in the Word again today.  So, remember...

Get up

Put on your walking shoes

Go for a walk 


Take the Word with you

I woke early this morning.  Today our church begins our mid-year 21 days of prayer for the new school year and for the direction of the Lord in our lives.  So, I got up and began.  

I was inspired by our Pastor's message this weekend.  Through his message on TEACH US TO PRAY Part 1, he spoke on the difference between our prayers being prayers of Rescue or Relationship.  Are my prayers only in moments of desperation when I need to be rescued.  Or, are my prayers, daily time spent in the Presence of the Lord, developing a relationship with Him.  

Some of the things he pointed out about what is missing when we aren't developing a daily relationship with our Lord is we begin to believe things that are not true.  For example, we feel shame, beating ourselves up for not making time for Him, when we feel Him tugging at our hearts, draw us nearer to Him.  Or we feel as though we don't know what to say.  You know that feeling.  You have heard someone else pray and think, "I can never pray like that.  Surely, God can't hear me if I don't pray a certain way."  

Pastor Lane went on to share that when we do take time to give the Lord first place in our lives, not just when we need Him, but when He calls, it is pleasing to Him.  So much like our relationships with our children.  When your child wants to spend time with you and wants to bless you with sweet words of love, it develops such a sweetness, in that moment with your child.  

To develop our hearts for Him, we begin our time with Him in Worship.  We worship Him in spirit and truth.  Everything we are, everything we think, every breath, surrendering to Him.  We forget all and focusing only on Him.  

It is here we fully surrender.  "Not what I want, but what You want, Lord."

Then we pray with confidence!  Hebrews 4:15-16 says, "For WE DO NOT HAVE a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but WE HAVE ON WHO has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet he did not sin.  Let us then APPROACH GOD'S THRONE OF GRACE WITH CONFIDENCE so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. [emphasis mine]

Pray with Confidence!  Not because of how great I am, but BECAUSE OF HOW GREAT JESUS IS!!!.  

So today's scripture, 1 John 3:22,  is perfect for this last step in prayer.  Make it personal not formal.  "Whatever you ask..."  Don't be shy.  He knows. He wants you to speak it, out loud, and tell Him like you would tell your best friend, everything that is on your heart and what you need or the need of others.  He has the perfect answer.  This may be the hard part.  Now, you remember your surrender to His perfect will.  Knowing that your prayers will be answered, but that His answer will be even better than you can think or imagine.  

Trust in Him today.  Worship Him.  Surrender your heart to Him.  Pray with confidence in a personal way.  

I hope your prayer journey, whether you have been praying for years or new to the faith, is blessing beyond measure.  Never give up, even when you think your prayers are not being answered.  They ARE!  Trust.

Take the Word with you wherever you go today.  I know it will bless and encourage you.

From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B
Revelation 12:11


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