For Me? Oh, Thank You!

In the midst of some 'storms' and flu virus attacks, my blog received a Wonderful Award. 

Sweet Marie of Our Best Daze  blessed me with the Stylish blogger Award! Wow!  I am so honored. 

From Auntie Margs Blog & Twisted Monkey Scraps 11-25-2010 Pictures, Images and Photos

A part of the honor of this award is I must pass on the Love... 

Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
Share 7 things about yourself.
Select 15 recently discovered stylish bloggers to receive this award.
Contact these bloggers informing them they have been selected and Bless their socks off!

First and foremost: 
Marie THANK YOU!!!!  Your nomination is a blessing to me in a time when I didn't know if my blog was making the impact the Lord intended. 

Seven things about me:
~Blessed wife of a lovingly patient husband I affectionately refer to as Captain Awesome (if you watch the tv show 'Chuck' you understand & the name is as it states - he's simply awesome) and sometimes Big Daddy and My Love.  He is my Mr. Steady.  He is an amazing leader who loves his family immensely.  I am truly blessed.

~Blessed mother of the 3 of the most loving, caring, smart, strong children. (I gush...they are my children.  Please forgive me)   And I homeschool them all!  Life is never boring.

Eagle 1 - 12 almost 13 years old.  Ugh!  that is so hard to type and accept and...never mind.  In preschool his 'indian' name was Running Buffalo.  His preschool teacher was determined to, because of his sweet 2 year old plumpness, call him Hoss from the old western tv show 'Bonanza'.  This, therefore, manifested into Running Buffalo for Thanksgiving dress up time.  Tall, slender, broad shouldered son is now kindly renamed Soaring Eagle.  We are blessed.

Rhino 2 - 9 almost 10 years old.  His 'indian' name in preschool was Gentle Giraffe.  It fit.  He was a quiet, tender-hearted little boy. And not much has changed over the years.  Except for the quiet.  LOL!  He has the strength of a Rhino, but a heart as tender as a lamb.  Tender Heart.  It fits.  We are blessed.

Princess 3 - 5 years old.  She is the embodiment of everything Princess.  From day one she has been delicate and girly but can fight with the best of them.  She is all ballet, twirly dresses, shoes, artist - drawing everything that comes into that sweet little head.  At the same time she is not afraid to get down and dirty and rough with the boys.  Precious Princess.  We are blessed.

~I really enjoy working on the computer.  Publishing a newsletter or processing pictures in Photoshop to bless family or a friend  Blogging.  In life, helps, ministry...I am a behind the scenes type of girl, for the most part.  I don't want to be front and center.  I just want to be of service.  Simply. The best way I know how.
 ~I am currently reading Ann Voskamps one thousand gifts.  Let me just say, I have NOT been more blessed, challenged, frustrated, and uplifted by one book, one concept in my life (Bible exluded).  I am moved.  It is as thought she wrote this book after listening to my heart, my thoughts.  I have begun my list and it is amazing what it has done to changed my perspective of my Abba, God, and my life.  You can learn more about Ann and her book at A Holy Experience.  She is amazing.

Memories invaded my 'gifts' this time...
#54 Soaring Eagle growing almost eye-to-eye with me
#55 How Tender Heart desires to care for us when we are sick
#56 Life - mine
#57 Adoption - mine
#58 Couples whose hearts are open to embracing another's child as their own - Thank you mom & dad.
#59 Truth, in the grip of pain
#60 God's unbelievable, overpowering, astounding Grace
#61 Fort Lauderdale Florida - roots discovered
#62 My daddy
#63 My momma          -      I am theirs.
#64 Glider rocker.  Expensive.  Purchased by my Gran to rock my son, her first grandson [8 weeks old]
#65 Surviving the first 3 years of motherhood as God molded me.  Clay.  Cutting. Squeezing. Forming... It was terribly painful, exhausting.  I wouldn't have traded those times for anything.

~I love Jane Austen.  Like most, I was introduced to the romance of Jane through movies, but I have read her "Pride and Prejudice".  I am and/or desire to be a more 'poetic' writer so the extended use of all the adjectives appeals to my literary self as it did Jane. 

~I am not perfect.  So many times when you read a blog the pictures, the ministry, the 'sharing from the heart' comes across as We've got it all together and those pictures display a perfect house or perfect family situation".   That could not be further from the truth.  I am a mess. I struggle. I waver. I forget how blessed I am.  But I have a Big God who can handle my stinkin' thinkin' and I am daily growing, daily changing. 

~Above all, I love God with all of my heart, mind, soul and strength.  I miss it and HE lifts me up. 

15 Blogs I recently discovered - Award them with the Stylish Blogger Award!
Here we go...(slowly, but surely)

1 ~ Capturing This Lifesong 
2 ~  Tea Girl
3 ~ Gently Metamorphing
4 ~ Encouraging Hearts at Home
5 ~ Abundant Life
6 ~ Dear Lissy

From My Heart to Yours,

Mindy B.

The Lord is gently leading me through my own one thousand gifts with Ann at A Holy Experience, join me, you will be immensely blessed.



  1. Really enjoyed learning more about you and your family! You remind me of me :-) Especially the part about not being perfect but having a God who is and can handle your "stinkin' thinkin'" Love it!
    I'm going to check out Tea Lady's blog. I'm trying to swap coffee for tea (boy it hard!) Hoping she talks at least a little about tea, lol!

  2. So nice to meet you in the blog world:) You have a beautiful place here. I see Sonlight mentioned on the sidebar. . . I've used that some, and we plan to use it next year. Since you enjoy the Jane Austen movies, I have to ask if you've ever seen any of the Elizabeth Gaskell ones? She came about 50 years later, I think. We enjoyed Wives and Daughters, Cranford, and North and South. ~Blessings~

  3. thank you so much. SO sweet of you to give me this award. i have never won anything in the blogsphere and today is my birthday!!! so thanks for making that much sweeter! :)

  4. I have yet to read her book but I have been following her blog for sometime and decided I would like to take the thousand gifts challenge. Been working on it for a couple months so far.. Love looking through your blog. I started following you.. Also came by from the TOS Crew..

  5. Marie, Thank you again. And the stinkin' thinkin' deal, Ugh! I am a remodel in progress. LOL - Amy, I have not tried Ms. Gaskell but I did see Wives and Daughters the other day was intrigued. I will definitely get that one on Netflix. - Lora, Yay!! & Happy Happy Birthday! May your new year be filled to overflowing with the blessings of The Lord. - Lynn, you would not be disappointed if you did read Ann's book. It is one of those books you underline the heck out of and read chapters more than once. I am so glad to me you & Blessings blog friends!

  6. Congratulations! Delighted to meet you today. Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you a bit more.


  7. Thank you Sarah. You are welcome to splash around all you want. So nice to meet you. I am visiting your site. Love it!

  8. thank you for this award! i've enjoyed getting to know you through your blog... i am also an avid Jane Austen fan. :)

  9. Hi Emilie! You are so very welcome. I love your blog. So glad to get to meet you through this gift of blogging. Be blessed and have a great week!

  10. Mindy,
    thank you so much for the award! I am honored to receive it. This is the first award ever so I am unsure of how to pass it on? Do I just need to write a post about it??

    Congratulations on your award and I love Ann's book. I am still working my way through it :)
    God bless!

  11. You are MORE than welcome MrsH. All you have to do is TELL the world you won this award on your bog, COPY the Stylish blogger Award, and then:
    A part of the honor of this award is [I] must pass on the Love...

    Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
    Share 7 things about yourself.
    Select 15 recently discovered stylish bloggers to receive this award.
    Contact these bloggers informing them they have been selected and Bless their socks off!

    Blessings and Enjoy! Mindy B

  12. OOPs, MrsH. COPY and PASTE the Stylish Blogger Award Button..


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