This Too Shall Pass!

I am writing over at HOMESCHOOL MOSAICS today and would love for you to join me as I share my heart and encouragement for when you are having one of "those days".
Those days! We know them well. We all look back on them and just giggle to ourselves, thinking, “How did I get through that?”
In our family of five, there is not a day that passes that ‘drama‘ doesn’t manifest. Ours isn’t the only one either. Just the other days while texting with a friend, she was telling me how awful her day had been, trying to make tough decisions about the care of her aging dog who has cancer. As she wrapped up her text, she said “More, soon. My son is sticking a glow stick in my ear.” I know her pain was real. But, I could’t help but laugh. I mean isn’t that how life is, emotionally and physically draining, and it’s just another glow stick in the ear to keep things real?
Continue reading HERE.
From My Heart to Yours,

Mindy B

Revelation 12:11


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