Rise & Shine ~ Walking in the WORD

I woke earlier than normal this morning.  I am not a morning person.  But, as I get older, my body is changing to actually want to get up at sunrise.  Unfortunately, this morning was one of the those morning where anxiety was the culprit.  I had been wakened from a fitful dream which triggered the anxiety of everything I  haven't accomplished that I planned to get done this summer.  I can't say that I would change anything about our summer so far because quite frankly is has been a wonderful time of rest and relaxation for us all.

So, instead of lying in bed, fretting, I asked the Holy Spirit to direct me.  I needed guidance in what to do with my day so that I wouldn't waste it, messing it up with MY plans.

"Go for a walk."  

At first I wasn't sure.  I tossed the idea back and forth.  "It's too early." "Chris will be going to work.  Do I have time before he leaves?"  And then the Holy Spirit spoke a little more pointedly.

"GO for a walk."  

I know to always obey the Spirit of God inside. I read my devotional and there I was inspired.

So, I hopped up and hit the road.  The weather is perfect here in the south.  Somehow this morning was different.  The Lord wanted me doing something new, something other than getting lost in my own thought of tasks I needed to complete for the week or listening to music to keep me motivated and moving.  Today He wanted me to walk in the way.

It was simple.  Memorize Psalm 118:24 as I walked.  Speak it out loud.  Step-by-step.  Learning this scripture as I walked reminded me much of Prayer Walking.  But, this would be my time with the Lord edifying me in His Word.

You Lord satisfy my mouth, my necessity and desire

I took it slow and meaningful.  Repeating it to myself over and over.

at my perusal age and situation

Each 'stanza' I took in, deep into my heart.  Repeating.

with good


so that my youth, renewed

I made it my own.

is like the eagles, strong, overcoming, soaring!

This is God's promise to me as I walk in His way.  As I walked He was imprinting in my heart, sealing in my spirit His never waning, never broken, promises.

You Lord satisfy my mouth, my necessity and desire at my perusal age and situation with good so that my youth, renewed is like the eagles, strong, overcoming, soaring!

This is my new 'thing'.  Each day I walk, I meditate on this promise in Psalm 103:5.  On Monday mornings I begin a new scripture.  So, I have decided that each Monday I want to share with you a new promise to stand on.  Get up, get out and walk in the ways of the Lord.  If you can't get out side, walk around your home confessing these promises over you, your home and your children.

Won't you join me on this new journey.  I would love to hear from you and the scripture the Lord is placing in your heart to stand on each week.  Or, share now the Lord is using our Monday morning scripture to build you up.

I love you ladies and bless you all in Jesus Name, praying that no matter what the enemy may try to defeat you with, you will stand on the Rock and Call Upon the Name of the Lord and Be Saved!

From My Heart to Yours,

Mindy B


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