TOS Review: "How to Have a H.E.A.R.T For Your Kids"


Bon Voyage!  Our journey has officially begun. 
I am so grateful to bring you my first review of the year and blessed beyond measure to bring to you from:


How to Have a H.E.A.R.T. For Your Kids

"...homeschooling is more than an educational choice - it's a lifestyle." ~p. 23
I just have to say, for my first review of the 2011-2012 Crew Year, this book was "a very present and well-proved help in trouble" [Psalm 46:1]  Anyone with me?  Parenting is the hardest job you will ever have as well as the most rewarding.

Rachael Carmen stepped into my life and reminded me, bottom line, you must be at the end of yourself to truly discover freedom in leaning on, trusting in, relying on FULLY The Lord's sovereign care.  When I let go, He starts to really show off.

Ms. Carmen has written with honesty and transparency of her own journey as daughter of the King, a mom, wife and teacher.  She flawlessly incorporates their life experiences with the truth of how to make it all work.  Her ideas are simple enough for everyone to put into action, and effective in a way that will draw your heart closer God as well as closer to your husband and children.  The theme that seems to resonate so greatly with me is the fact that with these simple acts of faith and service we discover a freedom like we may never even knew existed. 

H: Have a Heart for the Things of God

In this chapter Ms. Carman introduces us to the truth that:

"In order to reach the hearts of your kids, you must first have a heart for the things of God."  ~p. 31
Putting the Lord first makes our journey just that much sweeter.  Our hearts are softened, our character changed because we realize that we can do nothing without Him.  He continually saves us as we call upon Him for salvation.  We need God.  She calls her being at the end of herself "Way Out Beyond Myself", where she feels the weight of the world and doesn't know what to do. God is the only answer.  Prayer - asking for wisdom and understanding, lifting our children before the Lord, is where complete freedom comes and He leads us on that narrow path to humility and His perfect plan.

E: Enrich Your Marriage

This is one that is near and dear to my heart.  The Lord has brought me through this journey of discovering how important it is to make my husband and our marriage the most important, only second to God.  In this chapter she challenges us to remember the truth about marriage and how the world threatens that truth.  Are we willing to fight for the covenant promise that we made before God?  Are we allowing God to be the head of our marriage and kneel before Him, together, calling on His salvation?

"Have you ever thought about what you are living 'out loud' in your marriage? Do you actually live like you actually love your spouse, or even like him? Do you live like you are glad you said, 'I do'? Have you ever thought about the fact that people are watching and learning from your marriage, including your kids, your friends, your neighbors, and even strangers?" ~p 64-65

A: Accept Your Children

"Genuine acceptance of our kids means a radical change of perspective - a paradigm shift.  It means seeing our children as gifts from the hand of the living God.  It means realizing these kids were not sent by God to drive us crazy.  Isn't that good news?" ~p 100

This chapter has to be my favorite.  Simply put, my job is not to change who my children are but pray and ask God to reveal His plan for their lives to me so that I may raise them to give Him glory.  They are not mine to 'fix' because they are not broken.  They are His to guide and mold and I am his vessel as they grow into young men and women of honor and integrity.  His timing was perfect for their life, in this time, on this earth. 
"We must seek God first when it comes to molding our children, or we will make the mistake of molding them into our image instead of His." ~p. 108

R: Release them to God
Probably the hardest thing  a mother has to do, at least for me.  Our children belong to the Lord.  And as Ms. Carman shares, this truth can be 'ultimately liberating'. Freedom!  "Do you trust God?"  Our surrender of letting our children go to pursue the plans and purposes of God in their life means they learn total surrender to God.
"It's a growing, intimate, passionate pursuit of God's perfect plan without our sinful and selfish limitations." ~p 128
How beautifully Ms. Carman relates the story of Hannah and Samuel in relation to letting go. Mary and Jesus. You must read this chapter.  I needed it and may go back and read it again.  What subjects, what curriculum, are they completing enough in one day, is their rebellion going to last forever, are they cleaning this the way "I" want them too?  I let the little petty things creep in and fail to remember how precious our time is together.  This is where my heart falls on knees of prayer and Holy Spirit must come in comfort and wisdom, guiding me to know "HOW' do I do this Your way Lord?"  But God...
T: Teach them the truth

Truth!  Teaching our children the truth of who God is, what Jesus did for us and how He sent His Spirit to always be with us is Critical, life and death.  Our world hammers our children with lies of who they should be or what they should do.  The Truth we give them can set them free.  Freedom! Truth about their character, about their choices, about sin, about life, about ... the list goes on and on.  The Word of God is their source of Living Water that will give them life-giving truth.  Am I showing Truth to my children through my life?
"We live truth when we do the laundry with a grateful and joyful heart."
"We can live truth by allowing it to set us free from worry, panic, exhaustion, and despair." ~p. 171
You will truly enjoy this book.  It tenderly guides and instructs you into knowing what hope there is in surrendering our whole lives to God and depending on Him completely for our every need and the needs of our children.

You can find this book at :

Apologia Educational Ministries for a reasonable $13.00.  Find it

Thank you for allowing me to share this review with you.  Blessings!

From My Heart to Yours,

Mindy B.
Revelation 12:11

As a member of
The Old Schoolhouse Crew I received this product free of charge for the sole purpose of sharing an honest review. 

To read more reviews of this book check them out


  1. Thanks for your review, I am seriously considering getting this book after reading all these great reviews!


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