New Year, New Beginnings

to all of my MOSS friends 

I pray that your Christmas and New Year's celebrations were filled with an abundance of the Presence of the Lord, precious time with your family and friends, and old and new traditions.  Ours was, in the end, a blessing and just what The Lord wanted for us.  Our focus was on those important to us and we succeeded in getting in good quality time fellowshipping with our family and friends in His timing.

Our Christmas season was mostly quiet, resting at home.  My sweet Princess came down with croup and a terrible fever virus the day before her  5th birthday.  Therefore, she spent her birthday and the next day with high fever, mostly sleeping.  All of our big plans were postponed. 

Thankfully, we can celebrate her Princess tea another day. 

She received a beautiful new pink Princess bike.  She was so pleased. 

She mustered up as much energy as she had to take a few turns in the driveway.  She has riden it more in the house that out. 

Back on the mend and big brother fighting the same virus, Christmas Day arrived and the giving began.  This is our traditional picture we take every year of the children patiently anxiously waiting at the top of the stairs on the way to see their surprises.

One of our 'gifts' on Christmas day was a White Christmas.  We woke to beautiful snowflakes falling for the first time in our towns recorded history.  The children were beside themselves! 

Even our sweet little birds enjoyed some fun in the snow!

So, now, it's January 2011 and time to turn our backs on the things of the past and look forward, with hope, to the things of the future.  I have to admit, once the end of the year came I was not filled with the utmost hope in the future to come.  In my natural mind I was dwelling on what had been lost, the dreams/visions I had for myself and my family that did not succeed or the heartbreaks we endured during the years past.  I was questioning God as to why hope in Him when it seems there is so much death and destruction all around.  Even in the midst of my hopeless fealing He was tugging at my heart, reminding me to trust Him. 

You may be feeling that same overwhelmed feeling.  BE STILL and KNOW!  Don't let doubt rule in your heart.  Trust Him. 

My confession, when I feel the hopelessness try to creep in, is I BELONG TO HIM!  That feeling fades and strength rebounds.  I will be blogging more about this later.  Stay tuned.  In the mean time make this confession boldly...


In Christ Alone will I Glory,


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