STRETCH :: Five Minute Friday's

I'm writing in 5 flat.  5 Minutes. 
Unhendered.  With abandon.  From my heart.

Five Minute Friday

Lisa-Jo Baker over at tales from a Gypsy Mama is inspiring us to write:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..


He's doing it again.  I'm being STRETCHed.  It's so good and scary and precious all wrapped into one.

16 years ago, the Lord set my feet running on the ground of prayer ministry.  Things moved so fast I almost could not keep up emotionally.  It was such a time of blessing, growing, understanding and filling.  Every bit of me was STRETCHed beyond what I thought I was capable of handling.  Oh, how sweet were the times of worship, learning to pray, learning to pray for others.  How painfully difficult were the lessons of the Real World as I was growing. STRETCHing my spiritual muscles.

How immature I was.  There were times of misunderstanding, mistakes - horrible mistakes - and brokenness.  I was discovering who I was and who I was not.  I allowed others to manipulate me in a way that I thought was serving, out of the goodness of my heart of giving.  In the end I was being misused. How my heart was STRETCHed in hurt.

The valley was almost welcomed.  The desert time was long proceeding that time of STRETCHing.  In that dry time, my prayer life dried up.  I stopped my ministry of intercession, except for times I can only count on one hand.


Easter 2011.  The Rivers began to flow again.  Oh, Praise the Lord, the rivers of water have begun to flow again.  Again, I am being STRETCHed.  Reaching out to others when all I want to do is hide.  Trusting.  Believing. "Oh, how I Do Not want to be hurt again - Not be exposed to those mistakes I will make." God knows.  He knows my heart.  Ministry.  Intercession.  I'm here again.  STRETCH.

I have come full circle since that time 16 years ago.  As I surrendered in worship at church this morning I could see how the Lord is restoring something in me that I was called to do.  I see the STRETCHing of my faith to believe as I have never believed before.  I am seeing where He showed me wondrous things in my youth and am just now beginning to live in those things He called me to.  How time STRETCHes so long.  All I have to do is allow the STRETCHing and developing of my faith .

From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B
Revelation 12:11


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