The Power of a Name

Hi Friends!  I am over at Homeschool Mosaics today encouraging Mom's and sharing the Power of a Name.  Here is a snippet.  Once you catch a glimpse, come on over and read the rest of the story.  Blessings!
What’s in a name?
In Biblical times, children were named based on their individual character, physical appearance or determined path in life. The father had the authority to give his children names. God, Himself, showed his covenant relationship and promises by changing the names of Abram, Sarai and Jacob, expressing His perfect dominion and compassion towards those He receives as His own.
Abraham, originally named Abram, ‘High and Exalted Father’, was renamed for God’s purpose through him. “But your name shall be Abraham, for I have made you the father of many nations.” At this time Abraham was fatherless and old. But, in all of God’s sovereignty He, through a name, made a covenant promise that would never be broken. CONTINUE READING HERE
Revelation 12:11


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