Encourage One Another

   encourage one another...

I am in the middle of reading Sally Clarkson’s The Mission of Motherhood. One of the common themes throughout her ministry is to use your experiences to encourage others. That, no matter how much you struggle, you always have a gift of encouragement to share with another. How can we know how to encourage another if we haven’t BEEN THERE?
I have recently been in contact with a sweet mom who began homeschooling again earlier this year. Her children had a terrible circumstance in their lives in the fall and they were having a hard time in school. Their sweet momma decided to bring them home where they could mend under her nurturing care and love, while learning at home. [Reason #1,998 to Homeschool]

Continued HERE... 

I am sharing my heart today over at HOMESCHOOL MOSAICS on Encouraging One Another.   I would love for you come over and join me as I journey through 'Homeschool In~COURAGE~ment for Moms'.

While you are there I know you are going to want to stay a while and enjoy all of the wonderful columns, by a beautifully diverse group of women.

From My Heart to Yours,

Revelation 12:11


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