five minute friday ~ Community

Five minutes, from your heart, no erasing, no backsies - just pure words, whatever comes to mind.

Set a timer and just write. Don’t worry about making it just right or not.
Go all in with your words.
Are you ready?
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on:


It's what has shaped me, molded me.  A group with like interests, there for support.  Family.  Again, it is what life is.  My Immediate, Extended, Faith, Friend, Moms, Bible Study, Homeschool Support Group.  

Some days these are the ones that have saved me from the battle with myself.  They are the ones who have poured into me to say, "I have been there and I know you will come through. You are strong.  Keep pressing on."  Some days they are the ones that bring strife.  Such is life.

Community has blessed.  Community has cursed.  I'm honest and not deceived.  

Community has brought me a force of faithful friends through the years that have been right for that season. But there are always 2 or 3 friends that are always steady.  

My love.  He stands with me.  We have been best friends for 25 years, married for 21.  My lover, my friend, my counselor, my cheerleader, my everything.  I am blessed.

My friend, my sister, and interestingly enough My Love's aunt.  She knows me sometimes better than I know myself.  She seeks the Lord in my behalf and calls at just right time to minister to my dry bones.  

These two have been the strength I needed when I thought I would drown.  Chris and Christy.  God knew exactly what he was doing by allowing these beautiful people to be such gifts to me.  Their names mean "Christ like".  And they are truly Christ in the flesh and my community.

From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B.


  1. THIS is Just what I needed to hear today: "Community has brought me a force of faithful friends through the years that have been right for that season. But there are always 2 or 3 friends that are always steady."
    I am in a strong community of believers. God's grown us over the past 2 years and I'm scared I'm going to loose that all when we more this summer. Hearing about all the 'community' over @ 5 min Fridays has been a huge encouragement to know there Is community in other places. God does bring us exactly who we need when we need them and YES, there are always those 2-3 that are steady when everything and everyone else changes! THANKS!

  2. Thank yo so much Julie for your encouragement and for reading today. Blessings!


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