Season's of Life

Greetings in Christ the One and Only,

So many of you know that I have recently been sharing the ministry of Sally Clarkson over at I Take Joy on my Facebook page.  She has such a precious heart for the Lord and grace-led parenting.  Through our struggles of late I know the Lord led me right to her to sit at His feet using her to encourage and edify me as a mother. 

I found out about Sally Clarkson through another blog I follow with Courtney at Women Living Well.  I then purchased Sally's book "Seasons of a Mother's Heart" and have been radically blessed.  Sally has inpired me to remember:

  1. Everything has a season, our and our children's attitudes and troubles.
  2. Even as Jesus cared for the needs of all who needed Him, He also took times to retreat, restore and rejuvenate so that He could continue to poor Love, Truth, and Beauty into others.
  3. God made me the way I am for the purpose of being who I am as Wife to Chris and Mother to my children.
  4. "Joy is a result of the choices that you make.  If you are choosing to be thankful and learning to be content, then you are opening your heart to joy." p38
  5. Darkness will come.  Tribulation will be had.  Life will be difficult.  BUT, we have a Big God who is Greater than any source of difficulty we will every go through.  He is our STRENGTH, our  SOURCE, our REFUGE, our SALVATION.
Here is a little more info. about "Seasons of a Mother's Heart":

Seasons of a Mother's Heart, 2nd Edition
Seasons of a Mother's Heart, 2nd Edition

"A mother’s life is a whirlwind of seasons, changing from one to another without much warning, and then to another the next day. If your heart is prepared, you can adjust to whatever season comes upon you, weathering the changes with faith and grace; if your heart is not prepared, you will find yourself reeling and twisting in the winds of life, grasping for something or someone to hold onto. But that is the secret to weathering the seasons of life. You need something—God’s word, and someone—Jesus Christ, to hold onto. They are what give you the grace to weather the seasons. Nothing else can…Only the revealed truth of God made alive in your heart through the Holy Spirit can." --excerpted from Seasons of a Mother’s Heart

A classic book of encouragement for your seasons as a homeschooling mother. Your heart will be encouraged as you read the touching stories, spiritual insights, and personal lessons that are the seasons in Sally Clarkson’s life. She opens her own seasoned heart on these pages, sharing what she has learned as a homeschooling wife and mother about herself, her children, and her Lord. First published in 1998, this revised and expanded Second Edition includes four new essays by Sally from “ten years later” to introduce each section.

This book gave birth to many "Seasons" groups of moms all around the country and world reading the chapters together and going the discussion and Bible study that accompanies each chapter. Those groups became the model for what are now Mom Heart small groups, part of the growing small groups movement of Mom Heart Ministry. It still is a favorite for group study by Christian and homeschooling moms.


Introduction: Seasons of My Heart
Spring: Season of Renewal
1. Celebrating Life
2. Changing My Will
3. Beside Still Waters
Summer: Season of Response
4. Building Your House
5. Planning to LIve
6. Surprised by Joy
Fall: Season of Resolve
7. A Touch of Sympathy
8. Freedom from Guilt
9. Living with Discipleship
Winter: Season of Reflection
10. Prayers from Home
11. Light in the Darkness
12. Enduring with Grace

About the author:
Sally is the mother of four wholehearted children. She began her homeschooling journey in 1984 with the birth of her first child and will graduate her last child soon. She is a popular author and champion of bibilcal motherhood, a lover of people and books, and refuels with quiet time and strong English tea. She connects with mothers through her popular and growing blog for Christian women I Take Joy (

Mom's take time today to visit Sally's blog and be blessed and encouraged in your Calling as Mother. Sally also has a wonderful opportunity for you to retreat and relax at one of her 3 conferences.  You can find more information at Whole Heart Minstries.

From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B.
Revelation 12:11


  1. Hi! I just got done watching your wonderful video you shared at the Old Schoolhouse Digital magazine and am following you now. I love Sally Clarkson and this is actually I book I have not read yet, but need to.

  2. Nikki, I am so happy you enjoyed it. It was really fun and a little odd to do. I am heading over to check out your blog and become a new follower. Thanks!


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