George Washington Carver: His Life and His Work - TOS Review

"I like to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting system through which God speaks to us every hour. If we will only tune Him in." -George W. Carver

Being a Southern girl who lives in the State of Alabama and loves a good batch of boiled peanuts on occasion, I have learned over the years some of the values of the peanut.  I studied a bit of the life of George Washington Carver as a child in elementary school.  Sadly, I was never given the opportunity to take a field trip to the Tuskegee Institute to view Mr. Carvers Museum and learn who he really was. [Field Trip!!!!]

So, today I am bringing to you, from Marshall Publishing, a wonderful documentary to add to your Living History library.  This 30 minute Documentary DVD on the life and works of George Washington Carver, was filmed at the George W. Carver Museum at the Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama.  You are taken into Mr. Carver's world and given an up-close and personal look in to of his life and his passion, God's Creation.

  • Mr. Carver was born into slavery
  • Kidnapped by bushwhackers and later recovered by a Union Solider, never saw his mother again 
  • He was the first black man accepted into Iowa State, earned his B. S. degree in 1894 and thereafter was made a member of the faculty. 
  • Through his love for all of God's creation and science he explored and discovered over 300 uses for the peanut and over 100 uses for the sweet potato. 

"Measure me not by the heights to which I have climbed, but the depth from which I have come." -George W. Carver

His favorite spot was the woods where he would talk to Mr. Creator.  The Lord used him to overflow with knowledge of the peanut. He changed the face of farming in the South through his diligence and willingness to listen to God to inspire him in his pursuit of scientific solutions to improving farmers lives.  He shared his wealth of knowledge through his hands-on school where farmers could come and learn all the different techniques he discovered.  He taught them what plants would replenish the land to help their cotton crops flourish. And when they couldn't come to him he took his schooling to them. 

One thing my son found interesting/clever was that Mr. Carver was not named with a middle name.  While in Minneapolis, Kansas completing his High School degree there was another young man named George Carver. He added a W. to his name so they wold not become mixed up.  When a man questioned him one day about the meaning of his middle name, the man said, does it stand for Washington.  Mr. Carver smiled and answered, "Why not?" 

Though some of the images appear a bit outdated, they are beautiful all together and the music draws you in as the narrator delivers with ease the story of Mr. Carver. I love history when it is presented in such an easy to understand and delightful to watch format.  This documentary is such a wonderful way  to learn so much more than I could share here or ever knew of him in elementary school. It think you will really enjoy sharing this with your children.

For all of my readers, Marshall Publishing is offering you a 15% discount  over the already discounted price of $19.95 by having you enter a coupon code you will receive your own living history DVD for $16.95 (Plus s/h):

Coupon Code TOSC1 at checkout
Item# KVFD-106 found HERE

You can enjoy more choices of  Marshall Publishing Educational Historical Documentaries by visiting  their store HERE as well as other wonderful subjects for all ages found on the side bar of their web page.

Thank you for reading today and Enjoy!

From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B.
Revelation 12:11 

You can read even more reviews about George W. Carver and more from The Old Schoolhouse Crew HERE.

Disclaimer: I received this product free of charge for the purposes of sharing my honest opinion and review.


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