...But in EVERY Circumstance and in EVERYTHING...

Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything,
but in EVERY circumstance and in EVERYTHING,
by prayer and petition (definite requests),
with thanksgiving,
continue to make your wants known to God.
Philippians 4:6

I am amazed, even these many years later from my new birth, at how wonderful my God really is.  Everyday is a new day to learn more of who the Lord is and how much He loves us.  You know how, when you read the Word of the Lord and you receive what you need for that season and time of your life?  But, the next time you read that same passage it applies in an entirely different manner because you have come to a new level in your  life.  This is our journey with Christ.  Daily we die to ourselves and grow to be more like Him. 

We are in a new season in our life.  I am the blessed homeschool momma of a 13 year old son, a 10 year old son  and 5 year old daughter.  Though this may not seem significant, but the day they turned one year older life as we know it changed. 

Soaring Eagle, my 13 year old, stepped into a new realm of possibilities and responsibilities.  He has always been my young man, wanting to be 'all grown up' even when he was 2 and 3 years old.  But now, he has grown almost as tall as I, overnight it seems, and his voice is just a little deeper.  God is using this young man to be an example of patience and perseverance.

Rhino Legend, my 10 year old son, has come out of a year of struggle with emotions that come with the realization that he is no longer a baby, but a young man with gaining understanding of a 'real world'.  God is using my Tender Heart to exemplify the tenderness and mercy of God. 

My Princess, 5 years old, is growing into a precious little lady learning the value of caring for a family and home and the gift of obedience.  These lessons she is learning now are God's way of giving her a relationship with His Son Christ and her family that is rich in love and joy. 

Now that we have new opportunities to follow the Lord in our lives, God has been so faithful to show me how to fully give myself over to Him and stop following after my own selfish needs.  In turn, my children are learning these same blessings.  As I watch my children grow, guiding and discipling them to walk in the ways of the Lord, I find my life is quickly becoming less of me and the world and more of Jesus, leading me in a journey filled with His Love, Joy and Peace!

The message for this season of my life is Philippians 4:6.  Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Savelle ministered such a timely message on KCM.org called "Prayers That Change Everything".  The prayer of petition. 

To petition someone, to lay a petition before someone in authority you don't have any grounds to do that unless you know what they have already said about the subject.  The same thing is true of God. 
When you know what God has said about your situation, not what you think could happen, that is when you actually go before the Lord and say,

"Sir, you said in Your Word, _______". 

As Christ rebutted the devil in the wilderness for 40 days and nights, he said in response to temptation over and over again...

"It has been written..." Matthew 4

By prayer and petition [definite requests] you read the Word before the throne of the Lord and as He said in Isaiah 43:26

"Put Me in remembrance; let us plead and argue together. Set forth your case, that you may be justified (proved right)." 

He knows the Word but He wants to you know His Word.  As you make your confession of what He says about your circumstance you make a connection with God. As you do that you come into agreement with Him and it comes to pass.  It is settled between you and God. 

Recently I had a challenge come before me.  I decided to put into practice this principle.  My father-in-law was going in for day surgery and needed someone to take him.  This was a last minute situation so my husband was not able to take off work.  I was available.  My challenge was that I would have all 3 of my children with me.  I accepted in peace knowing God was saying to me, "Let Me show you how much I love and care for you.  Watch and see."

That night I went before the Lord and made my petition known. 

"Father, tomorrow I need You to help me and my children be of service in Christ to my father-in-law.  I will have the children with me so I need their cooperation all day, no matter what occurs.  Thank you Father that Your Word says, "Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition [definite requests], with THANKSGIVING, continue to make your wants known to God."  Abba, my Daddy in Heaven, I come boldly before the throne of Grace [Hebrews 4:16] and make my petition before you.  Your Word says in Matthew 7:8, "For everyone who keeps on asking receives; and he who keeps on seeking finds; and to him who keeps on knocking, [the door] will be opened."  I stand and believe that "My children shall be taught of the Lord and obedient to His will, Great shall be the peace and undisturbed composure of my children[all day tomorrow]." [Isaiah 54:13] Thank you Lord.  In Jesus Name, Amen, So be It!"
To make a long story short, things did not go as quickly as my father-in-laws surgeon said they might and we were at the hospital for 5 1/2 hours.  My children were wonderful.  They were quiet, well-behaved and obedient the entire day.  They did not argue or complain, much, and if they did it was short as they realized we were there to serve granddaddy who needed us.  We were able to be there for him before his surgery and bathe him in prayer.  We were able to be there when his day was complete.  My husband made it to the hospital after work just in time to take him home and get him settled as we went to get some dinner and his prescription. 

Our day was an answer to prayer.  God was faithful to His Word as we made our petition known before Him, He blessed our prayer and our day was whole.  I give God all the Glory!  How sweet it is to see His perfect will fold out before me.  I am learning daily to say, "Father, Your Will be done in my life.  I am Yours to command." 

Thank you for reading today.  Be Blessed and Be Whole!

From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B.
Revelation 12:11

Today I Overcome Satan by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony.  In Jesus Name, Amen, So be it!


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