One Thousand Gifts

Give THANKS to the Lord of lords.  
His faithful love endures forever.
Give THANKS to Him who alone does mighty miracles.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give THANKS to Him who made the heavens so skillfully. 
His faithful love endures forever.
Give THANKS to Him who placed the earsth among the waters. 
His faithful love endures forever.
Give THANKS to Him who made the heavenly lights. 
His faithful love endures forever.
-Psalm 136:3-7

My journey began.  Thanksgiving.  Eucharisteo.

Ann Voskamp stirred something in me that I never knew needed stirring. 

I found my 'Sanctuary' moments
in the midst of joy; in the midst of heartache; in the midst of life.

"The Carving, the Flying, the healing of my wounds."

-"...these are my first steps."

by Anne Voskamp

"Here is the place I can love Him I have time for God." 

I began my list some time ago and felt led of the Lord to share my 'Eucharisteo'/Thanksgiving moments with you again.  I also encourage you to begin your list.  No matter what may be flowing into your life,  thank Him who is your Life, Love and Hope.  Thank Him no matter what buffets you.

65:::Motherhood - being molded, as clay, cutting, squeezing, forming...It has been terrible and wonderful; painfully exhausting.  I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

68:::No air conditioning needed
69:::Tropical breezes
70:::Tropical showers

72:::Pakaki Flower:The Princess Flower:Freedom

79:::Playing marbles with my Princess and Tender Heart
80:::Book club/Bible Study
81:::Sunlight illuminating snow


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