21 Days of Prayer for Our Sons

I am joining Brooke at
Warrior Pray-ers - Praying the Word for boys...

What a powerful time this is going to be.  As Daniel interceded for the Jews before the King of kings in heaven, we too have an obligation to kneel before the King interceding for our sons.  The battle before them will be full.  They face hostile powers and attacks from the enemy of their souls even today.  As their parents, it is our time to come boldly before the Throne of Grace and plead the cause of our precious Warrior Sons.  Our sons have a special place in God's story of RedemptionPray them in faithful parents.  Remember this ::: Daniel's prayers succeeded in bringing angels from heaven to earth. These angels formed an invincible heavenly guard around the people of the Lord, with the result that the plans of the enemy fail.  Your prayers will do the same!  The enemy will not like what you are doing.  Stand on the WORD OF THE LORD firmly!  Stand on the blood of Jesus Christ.  He hears our prayers the first day and he moves in our sons behalf.  Imagine what miracles will occur after 21 days and beyond. 

If you would like to join me in this powerful venture all you need to do is:::

:::Purchase your own copy of "Warrior Prayers: Praying the Word for Boys in the Areas They Need it Most" (just $5.97) either in e-book pdf form HERE or buying it in Kindle form HERE.

::: Find a group to participate  either through a blog, Facebook or a Church group listed HERE

::: We begin tomorrow, June 8, 2011. 

From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B.


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