Sunday's Sense and Sensibility


What a wonderful Resurrection Weekend we had.  I will share a little more about that later but for now...

Yes,I am still here. 

I have not abandoned my post. 
I know haven't blogged much of late. 

Life has been, well, interesting to say the least in the last 4-6 weeks.  The Lord has been taking me on a journey of coming to the end of myself and calling me to rely on Him even more completely.  I won't go into to details, but know this, there is HOPE in Christ and Christ Alone.  The pressures of this world and those in it are NOT the lord of your life.  Jesus is Lord!   

We are Titus 2 Women! We are called to the Greatest calling in the world.  Wife and Mother!  There is no other profession IN the world that affects the world so greatly for the King.  We are admonished to love our husbands, to love our children,  to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, keepers of our homes, good, obedient to our own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.  We do not answer to others expectations of us.  We fall under our husbands authority as we seek to learn deeper obedience to The Lord.  Oh the peace that brings to a woman.  We fall under the umbrella of safety because we have chosen to follow God's will and not our own and not the people of this world. 

I have discovered more of who I am and who I am not. 

I have discovered that boundaries are EXTREMELY important.  Seek God.  Have Him tell you where He wants you.  God is our shelter, our covering, our refuge.  Trust in Him, Rely on Him, Lean on Him and he will save you from the torments of the enemy who would steal, kill and destroy that which is of God in your life.  Be blessed and be whole sweet wife and mother.  And remember who is Lord of your life.  The One and Only, Jesus Christ!
From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B.

You are a hiding place for me; You, Lord, preserve me from trouble, You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]! -Psalm 32:7


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