Growing Healthy Homes

Deuteronomy 30:19

"I call heaven and earth to witness this day against you that I have set before you life and death, the blessings and the curses; therefore choose life, that you and your descendants may live..."


Review Day!


Today I am so grateful to share a wonderful book on a subject that is near and dear to my heart...




The moment I received the wonderful opportunity to review this "Bible" of Nutrition I knew I was going to Love It!  and I DO!  The title alone drew me in, showing me how vital this information/study was going to be for me and my family.  Choose Life!  Enough said. 

Nutrition 101: Choose Life! A Family Nutrition and Health Program is an in-depth study of the body and the affects of nutrition and the world around us. 

Divided into 6 Units of Organs and their operating systems
1- The Brain and Nervouse System
2- Digestion and Elimination
3- Respiration and Olfactory
4- Muscular and Skeletal Systems
5- Cardiovascular and Immune Systems
6- Endocrine System and Emotions

Each unit discusses a different aspect of the system:

How they work together.
How the outside environment and poor nutritional choices can cause disharmony in that system.
How good nutrition boosts our bodies to health and healing, fighting against environment and emotions that would seek to destroy the harmony in our Brains or Digestive System, etc. 

The wealth of information, colorful Charts, symptoms, histories of diseases, importance of different foods for different systems of our bodies, will be amaze you. These ladies have done extensive research in providing you with everything you need to know about Nutrition and Health.  Filled with 'Fun Facts' such as "On May 21, 1922, James Havens became the first American to receive insulin successfully."  and 'Word Power' introducing new words and their meanings, and Discussion Questions and Activities galore.  Your children are going to be wise in how to make healthy choices for their Whole body.

Following each chapter is a 'System Boosting' recipes for you to enjoy.  We have not had time to enjoy them all.  There are even some that even I as a mother am not sure about but I am going to be brave try them just for 'study' sake.  i.e. Endocrine System Power Brussel Sprouts with Lemon Pepper Dressing.  The one that was amazing to me was the Immune System Power Almond Butter Chip Bars with Blue Agave Nector.  A cookie, that boosts your immune system?  Love It!!!  And Delish!  The recipes are a great reward for your children to make with you at the end of the lessons they are learning.  They bring the lessons to life and give them the satisfaction of creating healthy choices.

I highly recommend this Program.  Your children will understand why you want them to make healthy choices in their lives and maybe won't want to fight you the next time you tell them to eat their fruits and veggies.  This book is a true nutritional blessing and so easy to understand. 

Growing Healthy Homes is a family-owned and operated publishing company that was founded in November 2007 by a mom (Karen), her oldest daughter (Sera) and her daughter-in-law (Laura).  We are wives, mothers, teachers, researchers and speakers.

To complete your journey of health they offer an extensive appendices covering:

Vitamin Chart - Food sources and your Body's uses
Mineral Chart - Food sources and your Body's uses
Fats and Omega Essentaial Fatty Acids
Baking with 100% Whole Grains...and more.

I am blessed to offer my readers a 15% discount coupon
using the code TOScrew11.
This is the same discount you would receive at a homeschool fair.

Growing Healthy Homes offers Nutrition 101: Choose Life! in three formats:

1- e-product (CD-ROM) $79.95
2- A full-color, professionally printed hard copy $99.95
3- A combination of the two. The CD-ROM and book contain the same information, so the value of having both is the flexibility to use the e-product to reprint individual copies of the recipes, shopping lists, charts and any other relevant pages and still have a bound book to enjoy. $129.95

"Because the curriculum is designed for both elementary and secondary students, we expect our customers to use it for multiple years ... and then with their grandchildren."

If you act now you can join in a free Webinar April 21-22 from 4 to 5:30 EDT. 
Just go HERE to sign up NOW!

Visit the Homeschool Crew Review Blog and find more wonderful reviews of this product.  You can also find a sample down there.  Visit The Old Schoolhouse Homeschool Crew.

From My Heart to Yours,
Mindy B.

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.

III John 2


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