Wednesday's Wisdom

Waiting on the Lord

"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him."  -Psalm 37:7

Waiting is an attitude not just something we do.  So much of our life in Faith is about waiting for the Lord to show us His way and His will.   Through the different seasons of our lives there are times of challenge, peace, grief, rest, valley's and mountain tops.  You simply can not rush a season.

Conception, pregnancy, birth - enduring patience.

Waiting for our children to mature and become young men and young women "Trained up in the ways of the Lord" - we patiently wait, one step at a time., conquering one sinful nature and then another.

Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall - we wait.

Plowing, planting, and harvesting - wait.

Waiting is trusting in the Lord.  Patience is a character attribute of God.

"Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of wait." - Amish Proverb

From My Heart to Yours,


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