Season of Thankfulness Day 10 and Day 11

Psalm 103:1

[ [A Psalm] of David. ] BLESS (AFFECTIONATELY, gratefully praise) the Lord, O my soul; and all that is [deepest] within me, bless His holy name!

Today I am doubling up, to catch up on my Thankful days and I truly am doubly thankful...

I am thankful for...

Grocery shopping and coming home with more meals to feed my family. We are truly blessed!

My baby girl who is the best helper - shopping, cleaning, cooking.  She will make a lovely wife and mother some day.

My husband and his helpers, my two sons, who are great at mastering the art of packing for a trip.

The excitement of doing a new thing.

God's redemption, restoration, and resurrection in our lives.

My growing boys who still give me hugs multiple times a day inspite of seeing me all day, everyday.

Homeschooling.  It was one of the best gifts The Lord gave us to experience these years with our children. 


The Katrina Rose - true symbol of Survival.

From My Heart to Yours,


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