Good Morning Girls Fall Session


Today we began our Fall session over at Good Morning Girls and I just know it is going to be so good for me. 

Today is "Women in the Word Wednesday's".  So here we go....

Our little group the 'In Christ AloneGirls' group is sure to bless one another through sharing our lessons learned in devotional time.  I have already met with struggle to get my devotion done today, but thankfully the day isn't over yet.

My lovely friend, Christie, started us off with such a blessing I was able to get my self going.  Which by the way was what she ministered to me as she shared about the Israelites in the wilderness.  The Lord wanted them to keep on keeping on.  And I did.  I didn't let my day stand in the way of allowing Him to bless me with His Word.

The scripture that I read today was a favorite of mine and something I had been failing Miserably at this week.

 Finally, brothers, whatever is True, whatever is Noble, whatever is Right, whatever is Pure, whatever is Lovely, whatever is Admirable - if anythings is Excellent or Praiseworthy - think about such things. -Philippians 4:8

I realized that, with the current struggle I was experiencing that I did not have this 'positive or hopeful' thinking. I lost my focus on what God is accomplishing and focused and what was wrong. When I lost my focus on the One and Only that is when nothing seemed to go right.  But in the middle of all that I thought I had to control, God showed me in a big way, HE is still and always will be in control of every part of my life.  He never ceases to show me how much he loves me even when I have not been True, Noble, Right, Pure, Lovely, Admirable in thought or deed. 

"For what can make me whole again, Nothing but the blood of Jesus, What can wash away my sin, Nothing but the blood of Jesus..."

When I put my trust in Christ and believe God is in control, it's like my friend Christie shared with us, all I can do is trust there is a reason for everything. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that, even when I have a child in full-on rebellion, I still have to Hope and Trust that God is control. I don't have to get angry.  I don't have to yell. When I look at my circumstances, my husband, my children, whatever is going on around me, I MUST look to Jesus and say to myself 'don't freak out' God is in control. I Must see what is Excellent, Pure, Lovely, Praiseworthy in my life that He has given me. It is said of Abraham that he called those things that were not as though they were. In Hebrews 10 he is listed as Hero of Faith. He did not consider the death in own body and there the birth of many nations came forth from his faith.  To think, respond, simply be Positive.  That is what I aspire to be all the days of my life.  I know He is taking me there step by step.  Because He is always in control.  Praise be!

Now, if you would like to enjoy some 'I am so thankful I am not the only mom' humor visit my friend Christie over at her blog mommyvsarmyof5 (click on name to link to her site). Wonderful writer and funny.  What a gift she has for sharing her life adventures as a military wife, and mother to 5 beautiful children, two of which are twin toddlers.  You will not be disappointed.  I laugh every time she posts.  She is definitely a woman who sees the half glass full and lives to tell about it. 

From My Heart to Yours,


  1. I enjoyed reading your post:-). It was a word for me in due season. Thank you. I love the title of your blog. I am a fan of Jane Austen as well. Have a blessed day!

  2. Hi, fellow GMG! I enjoyed reading about your experience thus far this week.



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