Monday's Muse


Outside my window...
Is the bright and beautiful sunshine pouring through my kitchen window.  It's going to be another scorcher today.

I am thinking...
I need the Lord to help me get my home in order.

I am thankful for...
The sweet chatter of my children's voices, so thankful that my home is not full of silence.

From the learning rooms...
First,  Jesus truly is the Prince of Peace and he alone gives me Peace beyond all understanding.  As well....Through the chaos and rebellion I have allowed in my life concerning my housekeeping skills, the Lord is showing me that I must lean on Him and learn routines and teach them to my children.

From the kitchen...
I am taking steps to get my life in order.  I have been menu meal planning and so far it is working great.  I spent Saturday cooking meals for this week.  I have 6 Weeks of meals planned on my calendar. 

NOTE:Maybe I can share my ideas here with you guys later.

I am wearing... pj's.  Moving on.

I am creating...
A spirit of peace in my own home by Leaning on my God and not REACTING to situations in my life with frustration and irritation. 

I am going...
On vacation sometime in the near future, by the Grace of God.

I am reading...
My Bible daily!  As well as...Too many books at one time.  'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen, 'To Train Up a Child' by Michael & Debi Pearl, again, 'Out of the Mouth of the Lion', 'The Martyr's Victory' both by Emma Leslie and 'Yussuf the Guide' by George Manville Fenn (These last three I will be doing reviews on in September - stay tuned!)

I am hoping...
That I can get it all done without stressing out.

I am hearing...
Phineas and Ferb and the sprinklers trying to save our lawn and our new plants.

Around the house...
It's a bit of a mess but everyone is happy and getting ready for a day of school.

One of my favorite things...
Is Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Honeysuckle Scent Liquid Hand Soap.

A few plans for the rest of the week:
School, children's activities, read, a lot, and Trust the Lord will give me the resources I need to get it all done.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

From My Heart to Yours,

Thank you to the Simple Woman and her lovely 'Simple Woman's Daybook' blog.  You can be next.  Join her here.


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