Sunday's Sense and Sensibility

Sunday Our day to Worship the Lord

sense[ senss ]: Wisdom/ability to appreciate something

sen·si·bil·i·ty [ sènssə bíllətee ]: Capacity to respond emotionally/Feel

In the peace I sit here on our Sabbath day of rest, and I am so moved by His Presence.  "To the Ball"* is stirring me almost to tears with its sweet melody. I am simply moved by my Jesus.  How precious it is. How tender and loving.  God has truly blessed us this day.  The lessons and the trials and the tests never cease and yet we can have peace in all things because we have a Father who loves us deeply!  Hallelujah!

The Words from the Mercy Me song Word of God Speak is resounding in my spirit.

Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness
Word of God speak

And how sweetly He has spoken today.  He has spoken most notably to the heart of my son in gentle prudence.  When our oldest was tempted to question why we need the Word of God [i.e. the Bible, church, worship...] and the teachings that come with it, the Spirit of God moved in my husband.  How great it is when we share wisdom we did not even know we had because of the Spirit of God within us.

My husband shared his heart and led him, to the best of his ability in Christ, to understand the importance, Above all things in our lives, of God ruling in our hearts and how the Word is everything!  My sons father was sowing seeds of love and faith.  There is nothing like watching a parent take the time to stop everything and minister to the Heart of their child.  This is our model, here on earth, of our Father minsitering to us, His children. 

But the lessons did not stop there. As we came together as a family to hear the Word of God ministered to each one of us the Lord spoke even further.  The Word of God, the Bible, is the mind of Christ.  It is what gives us the assurance of God's love for us Unconditionally.  The Words of The Lord to His children are seeds.  The more we read the more "seeds" are planted within our spirits.  The more seeds planted within us, the more "Fruit" grows up out of us.  As we read, daily, feeding our spirits the love, faith and peace of God the deeper the roots will grow.  The "plant" will become thicker, more lush and chokes out the sin of our souls.  There grows Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness and Self-Control!

This is being in Christ. We no longer live in the Flesh but live as Christ, with his thoughts.  The deeper the roots and the more lush the plant, the stronger the Faith.  Wow!  I don't know about you but that excites me.  I want more.  More of the Lord.  More of His Word.  More!! 

Once we completed this time of ministering my son illustrated this very lesson for us.  I am amazed.  It is truly astounding to see the Faith of God manifest in the hearts of my children.  Absolutely beautiful! This is what he shared with us and I want to share it with you.

From my heart to yours,

*soundtrack CD from Becoming Jane


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