Imperfection is Beauty!

So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. -Genesis 1:27

I recently stumbled upon this sign.  I love it!

It speaks volumes to me. 

It simply made me happy.  I can't explain why.  It just is what it is.

Rebellion.  .

Epiphany! That's it!  This sign speaks to the rebel spirit in me that's says "I am not the Perfect Beauty and I never will be.  I'm not the smartest girl on the block and I never will be.  But! I AM passionate, and know what I like (and I am at times eccentric - which by the way says I am a person with an unusual or odd personality - I still say Passionate) and always will be. 

I am embracing my flaws and learning to love who God created me to be.  As Caitlin Crosby put it, "Love your Flawz - Imperfect is the new perfect."

I just may have to purchase this sign (click link below picture above) when they come back in stock. Isn't that funny?  This sign seems to have struck a cord with a lot of people. 

Truly Transparent,


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