I Did It!

Kim, Michele, Me - in all our sweaty glory
[could not have done this without them - thank you girls!]

fear [ feer ]

feeling of anxiety: an unpleasant feeling of anxiety or apprehension caused by the presence or anticipation of danger

frightening thought: an idea, thought, or other entity that causes feelings of fear

reverence: respect or awe for somebody or something

F.E.A.R.  False Evidence Appearing Real! 

It may seem strange to blog on the subject of fear, but the main purpose of this adventure I am on here in blog-world is to encourage you to step out of the boat and walk in faith. And so I wanted to share my latest victory over  fear. 

I recently turned 40 years old.  And as that age tends to do to ones body, I had begun having aches and pains that quite frankly freaked me out.  My mind played tricks on me.  Arthritis, peri-menopause, menopause, heart attack, cancer, UGH!!!..... oh, no, my body is shutting down and I am only 40!  Whoa is me...Enough already! [Yes, I am a bit dramatic, at times, stick with me it will pass] So, due to a year of stress, my body was telling me to stop, settle down, make some changes, and get healthy again.

That's when I was given the opportunity to attend a scout camping trip and 35 mile bike ride with my son.  A couple of my girl friends decided to go also.  So, I said, "you know what, I can do this!"  Then the  training started.  We had about 5 weeks to prepare. I walked and rode on my bike to gain more endurance.  I was doing alright!  I kept telling myself "I can do this".

And then.... and then, we decided to ride 10 miles, at our State park the week before the Big Weekend.  You know, just for pratice, to see how much we could acomplish. Oh my stinkin' heck! 

They could have warned me just a little.  I kid, I really knew what I was getting into.  It was a breeze when I drove it in my Car!  Anyway, I thought I was going to keel over right there on those hills.  My legs were screaming, my heart was in tachycardia...Do you know what tachycardia is?  Let me tell ya:

tach·y·car·di·a [ tàkee ka'ardee ə ]

rapid heart rate: an excessively rapid heartbeat which exceeds NORMAL range - AAAAA!!!!
I was ready to crawl into a ball and quit right there.  And then panic set in.  "If I can't do this how am I going to conquer 25 miles the first day, let alone 10 more the next?"  There was no way.  "I am going to be the only mom there to embarass the heck out of my boy because I can't do it."  The pressure was on.  I had to say to this mountain "be removed and cast into the sea".  Yes, I am aware this seems dramatic but this is my life and how I process - go with me here.  Someone needed this message, trust me. 
Well, by God's grace He used my husband, my children, my sweet friends and scout leaders and the man at the bike shop, to encourage me. 
"I can do ALL (not some, not a few, not one, ALL) things through Christ who Strengthens me!"
-Philippians 4:13
I spent the week walking in faith, trusting in God to help me overcome what really was nothing but me getting in the way of something deep down knew I could do.  Even if it meant I walked my bike half way, I could do this. 
The big day arrived and I was actually really excited.  We had not slept all that much the night before and got up at 5:30 am.  I was still unsure.  But, there was no turning back now.  Here we go...
We drove to Cedartown, Georgia to the Cedartown Depot.  Potty break!

Here our journey began on the Silver Comet Trail.  Beautiful!  Absolutely, beautiful.  The trail is full of honeysuckle, ligustrum, kudzu, small farms, creeks, rivers, bridges and a few tunnels.  Oh, and did I mention we saw 3 snakes and not the good kind.  Just keep on ridin'.  The trail is such an easy ride.  Flat for the majority of the time and fun.
Halfway point the GA/AL stateline
where the Chief Ladiga Trail began

Look at my boy!  I am so proud of him!
He knocked out this trail like it was nothing!

The last leg of the trail was smooth and difficult and invigorating.  But knowing that I had already accomplished so much, without getting off my bike, accept for rests with the group had me wanting more.  I loved it!  It was a blast to be with this group, sharing this experience with them, helping them when they needed a push. 

25 Miles later I did it!  Prayers had been answered, miles had been conquered and I actually did it!  I felt great.  It was a lot like child birth.  You labor to get to the finish line and then your ready to do it again.  Next year it's 50 miles.  Better start training now! 

Thank you for listening...er...reading!
Bless you sweet friend,


  1. Loved reading about your journey, and triumph over fear!! You've inspired me. I know Cameron loved having that special time with you...priceless!

  2. Thank you Laney. You are so right about that special time. Those times can be so rare sometimes.


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