The Theme is...Bridal,, Food

Ah Spring! The flowers are bursting forth in beautiful color. The trees are full and green. The air is fresh and clean. Did I just rhyme? Maybe I should have written a poem instead. OK, back on track. Anyway, as I was saying...What a blessing to watch the symphony our God set forth from the Beginning.

Now that it's spring, bridal showers are popping up all over the place. Love is in the air. You go to the grocery store and you see those pretty white balloons on the street signs. On our 'Sunday' drive the other day we passed by two homes that were having bridal showers at the same time. I remember my bridal showers. So much fun and so many wonderful [mostly] gifts. This is really making me feel old.

I'm rambling, but, I do have a purpose. I wanted to share one of my favorite food blogs. I have found some of the most delicious recipes that my family loved. [Definition of loved: "Do you like it enough that you think you would eat it again?" Response: "Yes."] You can find Tasty Kitchen here and what inspired today's blog. "The Theme is...Bridal Showers", and this can be found here. Now I don't have any plans in the near future to throw anyone a shower. But, I do have plans to make some of these beautiful dishes. Come to think of it Mom's Night Out is here at my house next month. What can I make? Votes from you MNO'ers?

The pictures alone will make your mouth water. Reading the recipes just might make you melt. Oh my heavens! Let's start cookin'. First off, thirsty? The one called Sunshine Nectar sounds spectacular. [We are an alcohol free zone so we will make the kiddy version] I have no idea how to find Peach nectar but I am willing to search high and low just to try this delactable looking drink. Kind of reminds of Fuzzy Navels. And we are so not going there. Moving on...

It's 10 o'clock at night and I am feeling a hunger pain comin' on. Woo!

Check them out and then get in the kitchen with your babes, your kids, your younguns' and have fun. I'm going to go clean the sink FULL of stinky dishes first though. Ugh! I hate cleaning dishes. Just ask my sweet, wonderful, loving husband who has to do them for me every now and then. ;-)

Blessings and Joy to you All! MOSS


  1. I've been trying to get back to "scratch" cooking instead of using pre-packaged everything. I don't need to be that convenient, and it is so satisfying to take one of my grandmothers recipes and a counter top full of ingredients and turn it into a meal!
    Look for peach nectar in the grocery isle with's probably in a can.

  2. So right Dae. Homemade always tastes best. I still have yet to make any of these recipes. But I am going to do it, soon.


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