My Own Sense and Sensibility...Why?

Why My Own Sense and Sensibility?

I really enjoy Jane Austen! The literature, the romance, and the character flaws and how they rectify themselves through love. One of my favorites is 'Sense and Sensibility'. Elinor Dashwood and her ability to show grace in hardships is admirable. A quality I would like to emulate in my life. Marianne's ability to just blurt-out whatever passionate feeling she has and then act irreverantly, is so true of my selfish nature.

As I may have stated before, I love to find the deeper meaning of words that bring out the truth in what I am trying to express. My own sense and sensibility really expresses how I "take it all in" in this life of mine.

sense [senss] ability to appreciate something: a faculty whereby somebody appreciates a particular quality or qualities [wisdom, common sense, good judgement]

I have had a sense of appreciation all of my life. As an only child I had many opportunities to take in this life, walking in nature and knowing how to really breathe; I could hear the wind blow in the trees; settle on the sand at the beach and hear the roar of the waves deep in my soul; stand on a mountain and take in the vast expanse feeling the true meaning of freedom. I always wanted to do the right thing. My heart only wanted to show love so that everyone knew love. And then....and then, I met LOVE, Jesus himself.

[Here...1985, In the small Porziuncola in Assissi, Italy].

Now as an adult, married with children I am having to learn that all over again or atleast as an adult with childlike faith. I am far from perfect. I am flawed with big sin but I have a Big God! The journey back to 'stop and smell the roses' is proving to instill in me a greater appreciation of what a precious life my Lord has given me. I am learning to breathe again.

sen-si-bil-i-ty [sense-billatee] capacity to respond: emotionally or aesthetically - capacity to feel: or to perceive [responsiveness, deep feeling, emotional response, receptivity, awareness]

Some days I am Elinor. Rerserved, careful, graceful. I'm taking it all in with a smile on my face. Other days I am Marianne. Passionate, reactive, firing off like a canon. Oh, look out when the feelings start flying! Woo! Ha! [OK I'll stop now :-)]

I tend to write like Jane, at least in her earlier works, with too many adjectives trying to express the fullness of my thoughts.

Well, that is it in a nutshell. My new blog. I will be sharing what the Lord is working in me as He teaches me to be more like my Savior Jesus. I will share encouragement to build up the wife, mother, daughter in every woman. I will share my favorite things...scriptures, books, movies, homeschool goodies, health and organics. Just whatever comes to mind and is interesting for the day. I pray that you are blessed through this blog as I, more than anything, strive to bring Glory to God in all things!

In Christ Alone, MOSS


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